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Mar 17, 2025

Annual Celebration Commemorates the Anniversary of the Senior Nutrition Program in the Older Americans Act and Invites Influential Figures to Witness the Transformative Effect of Meals on Wheels Firsthand

ARLINGTON, Va., March 17, 2025 /PRNewswire/Meals on Wheels America, the leadership organization supporting the more than 5,000 community-based providers across the country dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger, today kicks off Community Champions Week, which will take place Monday, March 17 through Friday, March 21. Each year in March, Meals on Wheels America invites all Members of Congress, state and local officials, and prominent community influencers and celebrities to engage directly with local Meals on Wheels providers through visits and "ride-alongs" with volunteers, experiencing firsthand the life-changing impact of these essential services.

Community Champions Week marks the anniversary of the establishment of the Older Americans Act (OAA) Nutrition Program on March 22, 1972, which laid the foundation for the expansion of the Meals on Wheels network that now collectively serves more than 2 million seniors each year. As the primary federal funding source for senior nutrition programs, the OAA has been critical to the success of the Meals on Wheels network in improving the health and well-being of our senior neighbors nationwide.

During Community Champions Week this year, Meals on Wheels America is encouraging both current and potential champions to support the organization's bold new plan to End the Wait™, which will ensure every senior receives the nutritious meals, moments of connection and vital services they need to live healthy lives with independence and dignity.

"Despite our relentless efforts, local Meals on Wheels providers are struggling to address the sheer volume of need in communities across the country," said Ellie Hollander, President and CEO of Meals on Wheels America. "Federal funding has not kept pace with either the growing senior population or rising costs, forcing organizations to stretch their resources further and serve fewer older adults. Now is the time to make the needs of older Americans a top priority. We encourage everyone to join us in rallying support for this life-saving network."

For more than 50 years, Meals on Wheels has been a successful and proven public-private partnership, which has garnered strong bipartisan support at the federal, state and local level. And yet, 1 in 3 Meals on Wheels providers currently has a waitlist. With important decisions about the federal budget and spending being made now, Congress must protect the OAA Nutrition Program and increase funding for Meals on Wheels providers nationwide.

Older Americans are depending on all of us to speak out and demand action. Contact your senators and representatives today and find more information here. You can also find volunteer opportunities in your community here.


Meals on Wheels America is the leadership organization supporting the more than 5,000 community-based programs across the country that are dedicated to addressing senior hunger and isolation. Powered by a trusted volunteer workforce, this network delivers a comprehensive solution that begins with a meal and is proven to enable independence and well-being through the additional benefits of tailored nutrition, social connection, safety and much more. By providing funding, programming, education, research and advocacy, Meals on Wheels America empowers its local member programs to strengthen their communities, one senior at a time. For more information, or to find a Meals on Wheels provider near you, visit