The national Meals on Wheels network continues to face limited funding, rising costs, unprecedented demand and need and increasing for-profit competition. That is why Meals on Wheels America set out to compare the experience and health outcomes realized by older adults who receive three different levels of service: daily traditional meal delivery, once-weekly frozen delivery and individuals on a waiting list.
This study, funded by AARP Foundation and conducted by researchers at Brown University, implemented a groundbreaking approach to investigating the impact of meal service delivery on homebound seniors receiving Meals on Wheels. The study’s findings validate what we’ve all known for decades anecdotally through firsthand experience: that Meals on Wheels does in fact deliver so much more than just a meal.
This report is intended to be disseminated freely. In reproducing any excerpts of this report, please provide a credit that recognizes Meals on Wheels America, such as: The More Than a Meal Pilot Research Study was produced by Meals on Wheels America and conducted by Brown University through a grant provided by AARP Foundation. More Than a Meal® is a registered trademark of Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland, Inc. and is being used under a license agreement from such entity.