As we age, we retire from jobs, lose friends and spouses, and our circle narrows. A once-active person can also get cut off from the social connections we all need to thrive when driving a car, taking public transportation or navigating your community becomes unsafe or just too uncomfortable. As mobility and our social network wanes, our worlds get smaller. This isolation and loneliness not only deteriorates our wellbeing, but it can shave years off our lives.
That's why social connection is essential. It helps us live longer. It protects us from a whole host of health conditions that include dementia, mental health problems and atrophy of the brain.
The most effective tool to fight isolation and loneliness is meaningful, genuine human interaction. A phone call, a letter or a friendly hello. Socialization efforts foster a vital sense of purpose and genuine connection to our community.
Meals on Wheels is committed to being there when friends and family cannot be.
The seniors in each community have their own unique needs and Meals on Wheels local programs provide customized ways to ensure senior clients are not alone. Some of these include:
Telephone Reassurance
A phone call from a volunteer can mean the world to a homebound senior. And just as importantly, that call can also serve as a vital wellness check to keep them safe.
Friendly Visiting
Many Meals on Wheels programs provide their seniors with companionship and friendship beyond the greeting at the door with their meal delivery. For those who need a little extra conversation in their lives, a volunteer stops by for a longer visit.
Pet Care
Not all meaningful connection comes from two-legged friends. A pet can truly change someone’s life. That is why Meals on Wheels, with the support of PetSmart Charities, works hard to keep seniors and their pets healthy and happy together. Learn more (link to
Community Phone/Video Calls
Offered in some communities, group calls give participants an opportunity to socialize and develop relationships with each other. The primary benefits of this program is the ability to offer an additional engagement opportunity for older adults to socialize, play bingo or host a book club.
Handmade Greeting Cards
A heartwarming, homemade card can instantly brighten the day of a senior in need of human connection. It’s not uncommon to see Meals on Wheels clients hang their cards on their fridge as a daily reminder that they are not alone. Volunteer groups create these heartfelt greetings that are delivered with meals.